Dyson Farming


Renewable Energy

Renewable energy

From energy crops and waste to renewable power

Giving back to the grid

Renewable energy production is not only an increasingly important part of our business, it also represents a huge opportunity to do more with the resources available to us.

Circular thinking

At Dyson Farming, we grow both food crops and energy crops. Crops such as maize, rye, barley allows us to implement a sustainable crop rotation, with diversity of cropping improving soil health, reducing weed burden and improving the utilisation of fixed costs. Applications of the by-product of anaerobic digestion back to the land increases its fertility and organic matter.

24-hour power generation

Our plants at Nocton Fen and Carrington supply the National Grid with enough energy to power over 10,000 houses. We even make sure the heat produced during the process isn’t wasted, using it for heating our glasshouse to grow our strawberry crop

Energy crops

ha harvested annually

Energy produced

MWh per year

Houses powered

via the grid
Head Office

The Estate Office,
Cyclone Way, Nocton,
Lincoln LN4 2GR

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